What do Rathole Companies do out here in the oil industry anyway? They drill the (Conductor Hole, Mousehole and Cellar) sometimes called the “Rat Hole” in the oilfield. it’s a pilot hole for drilling rigs they range from 30 to 150 feet deep, lined with casing. A Cellar is also done by most Rat Hole companies before the Conductor Hole is done. This is either done by the portable rig that drills the conductor hole or can be done by the primary rig after rigging-up. most of the time it is done by a portable rig, as it is much faster to drill with a specialized rig than the primary rig.

equipment, as well as to collect any fluids or discharge that escapes from the well during
operations so that these fluids can be disposed of properly. Typically at this stage, a preliminary
borehole is drilled using a portable drilling truck. This initial borehole is of a larger diameter than
subsequent drilling efforts and is called the Starter hole or Conductorhole.